Destiny 2 Season of the Plague fan concept
If you're part of the Destiny community, you can't have missed the "Plague Gang", or Season of the Plague tweets or images featuring Siva-inspired concepts.
In honesty, I'm a total Siva fan, and I could easily see this being incorporated into the game as a new subclass, so I really dig the idea.
When I became aware of it, it was because of a few Twitter buddies of mine who were involved with the project (@destiny_thememe, @Drexis_Anim & @SivaTechFromXB), and I had to say I was totally on board... The concepts are stunning, the aesthetics are really on point, and some of the ideas are truly worthy of inclusion in the game in my opinion.
Anyway, these guys, along with the @SeasonOfThePlague account have been teasing something big, which has finally been unleashed on the masses; a concept trailer for The Season Of The Plague, and it seriously looks like an official Bungie trailer.
Check it out below:
Bungie - you need to give these guys a job!
Anyway this is a Bungie movie of the week submission, and they'd better win it!